Report: Metal Fans Streamed To DOWNLOAD Festival Site

June 20, 2007

John Hayward of reports:

The metal/rock Download festival held at Donington Park in England June 8-10 generated almost a million unique visitors to its dedicated Web site, promoter Live Nation U.K. announced today (June 20).

The event, headlined by MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE (Reprise),LINKIN PARK (Warner Bros) and IRON MAIDEN (EMI),has a community Web site at, which this year offered live streaming from the show to viewers around the globe.

It was the first time Download had provided the service, which was free. Live Nation U.K. senior VP of digital for international Mark Yovich says: "It was a fantastic success, and next time it will be even better because we will have more time to promote it."

London-based Yovich says the streaming "peaked when IRON MAIDEN topped the Sunday night bill, but since the main stage was being filmed for [U.K. terrestrial broadcaster] Channel 4 TV for the entire weekend the quality of the edit was amazing."


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